Rejoicing in the Father of Lights
Goodness! Have I really not been here since June? I suppose the move, the reorganization, health problems, etc have all done their best to keep me from the computer. I need to work on some more lessons. I did get my Experiencing God workbook out, so that's some progress. I look forward to a long cozy winter whereby I can devote more of myself to my studies. I should call my devotions Lessons From My Broken Knees: a comparative study between knee failure and fervent prayer.
Anyway, so much has transpired between June and mid-December that there's not enough time to write about it all at once. I'll just say that the move really altered much of my life. Putting it all back together in an organized fashion has been challenging, yet productive. I'm looking forward to winter and the growth that will take place throughout the hybernation period.
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