Isaiah Twenty Eight

...But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken...

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Location: High Desert SW

I'm Vickie, 51, married since 1985. We have a grown son, born in 1986, and aside from two early miscarriages, were barren thereafter. That is until 2003, when we were miraculously expecting a baby girl. The pregnancy was wonderful & we were very excited to be so blessed. Sadly & preventably, Abigail died in utero the week of her due date thanks to a practice of outlandishly horrid medical providers masquerading as knowledgeable professionals. Consequently, I delivered her lifeless body on December 6, 2003 after 3 days of sorrowed labor. She may have been born still, but she was still born & is still loved. Long story short, we were blessed 16 months later with a 3rd miracle child. Anne came into the world on April 28, 2005 after yet another wonderful pregnancy. Sadly, it was discovered after her birth that she had a heart defect caused by trisomy 18. She died suddenly of congestive heart failure, just before midnight on June 28, 2005. Anne was 61derful days old when she left her mama's arms & went to rest in the Lord's. She was a wonderful sparkly child, who along with her siblings, are the subject of most of my writings, interests & hobbies.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Lessons in Falling Backward and Being Broken - None Righteous; No Not One!

Yes Folks, I too have often been appalled at the cruelty of mankind. The true nature of humanity proves itself quite cruel on a plethora of layers. My life experience has taught me that Original Sin is not a myth that’s been made up. We all are bitten. Even the best of people hiding behind a smoke screen of “goodness” are not exempt.

I am not exempt. Church people are often no different from anyone else in the mainstream of life. Human nature is the same everywhere. The New Testament says we will know true Believers by how they genuinely live out the teachings of the faith. We have come to know “unbelievers” who would appear to have a better handle on “living the faith” than some church folks.

Ultimately, I’ve learned the hard way how to keep an eye out for goats amongst the sheep. I was naïve and undiscerning, and God has since opened my eyes. I ask Him continually not to let me sprout cynicism or negativity against the Church Body as a whole. We are all sinners and we all fall short even of our own ideals 99% of the time. Practicing forgiveness is paramount to proving genuine faith. This is where I run into my own stubborn roadblocks of sin nature & character flaws

To be certain, the disabled & awkward get more than their share of suffering by the hands & mouths of the world's cruelty. Some would say we should rid the world of the disabled so as to eliminate their plight of such "suffering." To be certain it's not the disabled and infirm who bog down humanity with suffering. I know first hand how their special character & personalities far exceed what they don’t achieve in physical prowess.

Verily, verily, it’s the others in the world that we will always have to keep an eye open for in terms of they who add to suffering. Yep, they who are “normal” people that walk through life arrogantly thinking that they’re “better” or more worthy of human dignity simply by virtue of their looks or social standing--they are the ones who add to the world's suffering.

No, we will not be able to shelter our unique or special needs child from all the wounds he or she will suffer from the DHAC, but our motherly love will serve as a shield & salve. Our love will teach them to overcome this world and be a better people for their hardships.

I did not have the salve of such parental love until I came to know the Father and His Book. It’s by His presence in my life that I have come to know my value & preciousness (I've also come to know the depths of my sin nature as well).

I’m a work in progress as I dig out from under a great deal of life’s rubble. To be certain I have to also examine my own character flaws and work on my own sin nature as I seek to overcome all that’s been “inflicted” upon me. I often think it’s far too much for one bitty soul such as mine to handle.

It’s then that I'm so very thankful to God and His Son for the infinite gift of His Loving Grace--that the Living God has done so very much on our behalf... My heart may ache until the day I die, but my soul increasingly rejoices as it comes to a deeper comprehension that only broken and on my knees am I ever truly made whole.


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