Lessons in falling backward and being broken Gen 3:4-5
Genesis 3:4-5
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. KJV
Okay, you know what strikes me about this passage? Two things:
1) the serpent proclaimed that they would not die. In other words, he was already privy to the Redemption plan and being saved from death. He already knew the eternal outcome of salvation (thus why he sought to make the young couple stumble);
2) that God already knew. He already knew she would chose poorly. He knew her selfish motive. And He let it all happen because He knew His plan to rescue her from herself.
Initially it would appear that Satan deceives Eve with what would seem only partially true--he tells her she will not die, and yet God has told Adam that they certainly will. They both are right.
God proclaimed that he would impose the death penalty upon humanity if they went outside the boundaries. It's true that now every human faces death at some point in their lives.
The devil, however, is also right in his delaration because by the plan of salvation we will NOT die. In the eternal scheme of things, death can't touch anyone who's protected by the plan of salvation--which Adam & Eve were.
So when I look at it more deeply, it would seem reasonable that the devil is proclaiming the basic principle of redemption. That principle is that it's our original nature to chose sin and to be consumed with the darkness of ourselves. And by "original" I mean, even BEFORE the fall. Man was made a sinner from the very beginning; his sin was part of God's plan. Even in the midst of Eve's pure countenance, before she ate and succumbed to the devil, she proved that we're designed with a genetic inclination for curiosity; to go outside the boundaries; to be self-consumed & idolatrous. It would appear that God wrote her propensity to choose poorly right into her countenance. Some theologist would claim that's where free will comes from, but I'm very skeptical about "free will." I think God wrote it that way.
Ultimately, I think we were designed with a genetic frailty and inability to make proper choices from the very very beginning. He made it that way on purpose.
And then, because God is all Good and all Knowing, He actually created the plan of salvation before He ever unleashed mankind out over the earth. Before man was ever even made, the rescue was in place.
Once that was in place, He could let Adam & Eve skrew up and not worry about it cuz He already had it fixed--and thus that's what the devil meant when he said they would not die. The devil just failed to tell them about the earthly death, and thus he snagged them by the lip just like an expert fly-fisherman does in a stream full of salmon. I guess his scheme would stand to reason. Afterall it is the devil's job to get us to squander our inheritance in any way he can. And we are like silly children with candy ready for the taking. It doesn't get more simple, and proves that even the devil knows God's Truth. It proves that even in the midst of a really crappy plan, God's got a Rescue mission already accomplished.
And so all that remains now is one question. The one question I struggle with along with most of humanity. Why Lord?
why did You put such a plan in place?
why did You give the devil such a powerful & deceptive leash to hurt Your people?
why does it have to hurt so deeply?
It's like Paul says, it's foolishness to them who don't get it. I hope He doesn't hold it against me when I admit that I don't get it sometimes either. But I do trust that we didn't just make this stuff up. I do believe His plan of salvation is True. I do believe there is a Rescuer.
And while I may wrestle and struggle with the ancient "why", I also hope to get to the bottom of some of my wrestlings as I dig through more passages. This will get me started.
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